Saturday, February 8, 2014



KJN RESOURCES & MANAGEMENT SERVICES has been establish since 2000 as a developed company for Malaysian outsourcing foreign workers, issuing work permit application with the help of KDN (Kementerian Dalam Negeri) and for countries under resources.

   With the development of KJN RESOURCES & MANAGEMENT SERVICES, we have a strong dynamic commitment to our motto "ONE VISION, ONE STRENGHT AND ONE SUPPORT" (VSS).
    Our workers are medically certified and fit with the help of staying facilities and good food supply. Selection of workers will be based on our company's satisfaction and requirement's. our continuous commitment, cooperation, goodwill and understanding will provide a strong teamwork towards your company and the countries achievement.
Our operation Managers and Executive liaise with the various government departments and agencies such as HOME MINISTRY, IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT, HUMAN RESOURCE MINISTRY, Dewa Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur ("DBKL"), Jabatan Insolvency Malaysia ("JIM"), Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan ("JPJ"), Polis Diraja Malaysia ("PDRM"), Tenaga Nasional Berhad ("TNB") and telekom Malaysia Berhad ("TMB") in order to carry out our services effectively. Our teams have special skill and experiences to solve problems and take corrective action immediately and in proper manners.
Our company is directly participating in our country vision (SATU MALAYSIA), to solve the human resources and Manpower  shortage problem. Progressing by continuous improvement and support customer orientation services and develop informatics management through our commitment, communication and close relationship. 

        MYEG Service Berhad and its Group of companies is principally engaged in the business of development and implementation of Electronic Government (E-Government) services and the provision of other related services for the E-Government Initiative as well as investment holding. The E-Government initiative is a Government programme which focuses on delivering improvements in terms of how the Government operates internally, and how it delivers services to the people. The overall E-Government initiatives focuses on allowing citizens to retrieve information and perform transactions with various Service Suppliers in a convenient and timely manner by utilizing its Electronic Services (E-Services).
    The main Service Suppliers that currently employ our E-Government services and solutions are Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur ("DBKL"), Jabatan Insolvency Malaysia ("JIM"), Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan ("JPJ"), Polis Diraja Malaysia ("PDRM"), Tenaga Nasional Berhad ("TNB") and Telekom Malaysia Berhad ("TMB").

     MYEG Services Bhd ("MYEG") was incorporated in Malaysia as a private limited company on 17February 2000 as I.T. Marvel Sdn.Bhd. Subsequently, the company changed its name to MYEG Service Berhad, in conjunction with its listing on MESDAQ.
   MYEG began by developing online government transactional services for the Malaysian community through its Electronic Government (E-Government) Initiatives. MYEG focuses on delivering improvement in the Government internal operations and in the delivery of services to the consumers. The success of its online transactional services has spurred MYEG to expand its operation and undertake more Government projects.
     In June 2004, MYEG acquired Gale Vector Sdn Bhd ("GVSB"), which provides software solutions and maintenance services to clients. The acquisition of GVSB enables the Company to strengthen its core technical expertise and contribute to the ongoing development of MYEG Enterprise Service Platform.
   The group has also expanded its operations into E-Insurance solutions and other insurance-related services through its other subsidiary, Sdn Bhd ("PNSB"). PNSB commenced operations on 1 January 2005 and currently provides electronic computer linkages through its software applications and Internet technologies, between insurance companies and JPJ on the issuance of E-Cover Notes. 
    MYEG together with its group of Companies serves as a community-based information and services centre for the public to acesss information, execute transactions and interact with the government and government-related institutions.

The Group's businesses are categorized into 2 strategic business divisions:

1. Government to citizen ("G2C")
             G2C services refers to services such as driving theory test bookings, issuance and renewal of licenses, electronic bill paymet and patment ("EBPP") as well as online information services such as traffic summons checking and electronic bankruptcy or liquidation status searchers (E-insolvency).
              These services are available online through the G2C portal and through the Group's kiosks which will be strategically placed across the cities and in towns in all Malaysian states to allow users without ready Internet access to tap on the convenience of E-services. The G2C portal enables users to conduct real-time transactions and to search for Government-related E-Services where the users are able to find information and services in user-centric packages intergrating public services across different Services Suppliers.

2. Government/Enterprise Solution ("GES") 
             GES are non-internet based services such as software and enterprise solutions, system development and maintenance as well as services rendered at the E-services centres. The provision of services at the E-Services Centres encompasses all aspects of the driving theory test under the driver's licensing course, from digital imaging for security, purchase transacted by citizens independently.
    The target markets for such services are driving schools, driving institutes, insurance companies. financial institutions and law firms, among others, GES services offer scalable and software development and software customization of its proprietary applications.


 The group is focused on the following strategies :

  • Expanding into new e-Goverment services to enhance the quality of interaction between the public and the government
  • continuing our extensive marketing campaign to reinforce the MYEG brand as Malaysia's e-Government services provider among our target markets.
  • Continue to provide innovative and new services and to enhance our existing services to reinforce our position as Malaysia's leading e-Government service provider.

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